Yeh, who appears in several roles, is particularly diverting as the Machine Master, a sneering computer-game magnate who swans around in gold chains and a mink coat — Kendra Rai designed the droll costumes — ordering employees such as G.Petto to turn out games that are safely derivative. “The trick is to duplicate whatever sold well before!” he snaps.
Washington Post
My favorites in the show, however, are Yeh and Carkuff. In addition to Cat, Carkuff does a bang up job as the “Fork in the Road,” one of Psalm’s more inventive creations in bringing this story to life. Yeh is wonderfully villainous as the Machine Master and a thoroughly convincing fool in the land of fools. But it is in their principle roles as Fox and Cat that these two really shine. Combining razor sharp timing with both their movement and their byplay, they elicited delightful giggles and some outright guffaws with their comic shenanigans.
DC Theatre Scene